The Robinson-Manning Reunion has occurred annually since 1884. Since 1984, it has been a two-day event scheduled on the third Sunday and preceding Saturday of August. This year is the 141st reunion!
Saturday, August 16th
Email Nathan Tyler (2nd VP) with ideas or questions.
Sunday, August 17th, 11:30 am - 4 pm
- 11:15 AM Choir Rehearsal
- 11:30 AM Family Service. Please allow the morning crowd to leave before entering.
- 1:00 PM Family Picnic and Meeting: Bring your own food, blankets/chairs. For the meeting, you'll sign in at the registration table and provide vital statistics for births, deaths, and marriages. Sign-up at the registration table if you fit into any of these recognition categories: Youngest Present - Oldest Present - Most Recently Married - Married the Longest - Four Generations Present - Traveled the farthest - First time attending reunion. Photos will be taken before the meeting.
- 1:30 PM Annual Meeting. Agenda: 1. Call to Order 2. Amend/Acceptance of Minutes 3. Amend/Acceptance of Treasurer's Report 4. Letters from Family 5. Vital Statistics 6. Committee Reports 8. Recognition Categories Fellowship and Games. Bring equipment to share.
Email Russell Hinckley (1st VP) with ideas or questions.
Previous years' announcements are here.
Planning Meetings
This year's meetings will occur exclusively via video conferencing. They usually occur the first Sundays of October, February, and June at 2 PM ET.
The Google Meet link is shared in the newsletter emails.
Location - First Congregational Church in Lebanon, CT
Both the dinner on Saturday and the service/picnic on Sunday will be at the First Congregational Church in Lebanon at 588 Exeter Rd, Lebanon, CT 06249.
Other Thoughts
Edith Pawlicki is currently working on updating the genealogy tree to help people access Denison Miner's database that syncs with Family Search. Check its progress here.